6 Ways Robots Optimized Space Exploration

Robotics and space exploration has always gone hand in hand. Space travel is one of the last frontiers, and it is also one of the most dangerous because open space is a very uninhabitable area. Although human astronauts were also sent into space, the very first objects that were sent into space were still robots, because they were capable of surviving in open space and they could be controlled very easily through mission control. Throughout the years, robots were considered instrumental in space exploration, and as space exploration progressed, so has robotics progressed as well. Here are 6 ways robots optimized space exploration through the years.
1.Robots Made Logistics Easier
When people think about space travels, they would most likely think about the dark expanse of space, the huge spaceships and satellites, and the NASA programs that spearheaded the expeditions into the stars. However, not many people know the incredible amount of logistics work to make this possible. Each time a satellite is sent into space, millions of dollars were needed to fund the project. A huge amount of resources need to be moved and manufactured, in record time. In this context, robots were a necessity, because they made the logistics work go much smoother. Palletizing robot arms were used to move materials, and assembly robots were also used to assemble the myriad of tools and equipment needed in space travel.
2.Explorer Swarms
Aside from making the logistics so much smoother, robots were also used to expand our understanding of the known universe. Just recently NASA started manufacturing the Marsbee swarms, which are insect-like pods that are designed to map the terrain in Mars.
Aside from their mapping capabilities, the explorer swarms are also capable of gathering samples in thin air for research. They are bumblebee-sized and are equipped with sensor wings and wireless comms to send images back to earth.
3.Satellite Repairs
Ever since the very first satellites were sent into space during the 1950s, there have been thousands of satellites that inhabit the earth’s mesosphere. These satellites fulfill a variety of uses such as TV broadcasting, telephone, navigation, and weather monitoring just to name a few. A good number of these satellites have been up there for decades, and some of them really need repairs. This is a difficult prospect for satellite owners because it is very difficult and costly to send a mechanic into space. However, in recent times, NASA has started research on a robotic spacecraft known as Restore-L. It is a robot that is equipped with all the necessary tools to conduct repairs. They are equipped with specialized arms used in robotic automation that allows them to accomplish various tasks such as grabbing, refueling, and relocating while in space. The very first examples of these space crafts are expected to be launched into space around the mid-2020s. With these incredible innovations in robotics, satellites will be able to function to their full potential.
4.Astronaut Assistance
One of the riskiest aspects of space travel is when an astronaut is sent into space. From the very first instance, an astronaut was sent into space, to the latest manned NASA mission, there is always a certain trepidation when a human being is sent into space. Remember that the NASA space program’s budget usually depends on public opinion.
If a mission did well, and a lot of publicity is showered on the project, then NASA might be able to get better funding. However, if the mission is a failure or worse an astronaut loses his or her life on the mission, then there is a chance that NASA will lose face and funding. As a way to address these issues, new robots are being developed to help astronauts with conducting their tasks.
Remember that astronauts have a lot of tasks to fulfill, and no matter how well trained they are, if they are overworked, they might still make mistakes. So having an astronaut assistant will help minimize the chances of mistakes happening. Recently NASA has started to create an astronaut assistant known as the R5 or the Valkyrie. It is a 6-foot tall robot that is designed to help astronauts with their tasks. The robot is installed with multiple actuators which enables at least 44 degrees of movement. They are also installed with powerful grippers that allow them to carry out more delicate tasks.
5.Sample Retrieval
One of the main reasons humanity is investing so much time and money in space exploration is the hope that one day, we could start building settlements there. Although this is not possible now, it might be possible in the future. This is why NASA is utilizing robotic rovers to check the moon for signs of life or usable resources.
6.Space Travel Assistance
Space missions could get very lonely for astronauts. This is especially true for astronauts that have to man satellites by themselves. It could also get disconcerting if an emergency happens, and the astronaut has no one to turn to for advice. This is why some specialized robots are being designed for this very situation. One great example of this type of robot is CIMON. It is an autonomous floating head that is specially programmed to converse with astronauts and give them instructions on certain tasks. With these robots, astronauts will not only have extra supervision, but they will also have more human-like interactions as they fulfill their missions.
Ever since the first satellites and space ships were sent into open space, robots were a constant presence during these expeditions. They were perfect for space travel because they were advanced enough to travel through space, and they were easy to control via mission control. By knowing how robots optimized space travel, you will see their incredible contributions to humanity’s forays into the last frontier.