A Quick Guide To The Process Of A Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury Case

A personal injury lawsuit can be a very difficult process with a lot of steps to do. The start of a claim is the accident itself. A lawyer in Lincoln, CA takes the cause after injury and medical treatment have occurred. Then you can start the process of getting the compensation you deserve from the responsible party.

Here is the basic breakdown of the process of a personal injury lawsuit.


The first thing your lawyer will do is begin a thorough investigation into your claim and get all the required evidence to file a claim. Attorneys have assistance and sometimes private investigators who will help them gather all the information that they need to prove negligence in your case.


Once they have enough evidence, your personal attorney in Lincoln, CA will start the paperwork to file your personal injury claim. The lawsuit has officially begun. The other party will be served the lawsuit and they have 20 days to respond back to your lawyer.


Both parties are now involved in the case and will discover information about the other party. This involves depositions and interrogations that help each party learn about the accident and share their side of the story.


This is the process in which you will be trying to come to an agreement with the other party. The other party will try to offer your lawyer in Lincoln, CA a settlement. Your lawyer will then offer you the agreement that you can take or reject. Both parties will go back and forth trying to reach an agreement that both are happy with. If neither party can reach a conclusion, the case goes to trial. When you are negotiating, it’s important to think about offers carefully. It might be less than you originally wanted but think about the time it could take to get what you want and the risk of not getting anything at all. Don’t let a good offer go until you discuss it fully with your lawyer.


The case goes to trial once both parties can’t reach an agreement. This is the final step and decisions are final. In order to appeal the judge’s ruling, you will have to file an appeal after going back through negotiations.

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