Class 11th Mathematics: How To Use NCERT Books For Last Minute Exam Preparation

When we talk about exams, it is very necessary to find the perfect study material that can help the students with their preparations. For CBSE students, choosing the right study material is a tough and confusing task. In this confusion, students can end up picking the wrong study material, which can spoil their results.
For the CBSE, NCERT books are highly recommended to students for their board exams preparation. The NCERT books are, according to the latest CBSE syllabus, and are easily available on the Internet. It helps students in understanding the basic concepts in each subject. These books cover all the topics that could be asked by CBSE during exams. Thus, it clears all the doubts of the students easily.
Here are the reasons why a CBSE student should prefer NCERT books for exams:
1: Reliable Information: The NCERT Books are prepared by expert teachers. The solutions are thoroughly checked twice by professional teachers before publishing. So, these books provide authentic information.
2: Complete knowledge of the subject: In NCERT books, each topic is presented in a detailed manner. Thus, if these books are studied thoroughly, it can clear all the doubts of students, giving them a better insight into the subject.
3: As per the CBSE curriculum: This is the most important reason why NCERT books are of great use to CBSE students. The NCERT books are according to the latest CBSE syllabus. These books form a base for not only board exams but also for competitive exams such as JEE, NEET, and UPSC. It covers all the topics that could be asked in exams.
4: Easy and Understandable Language: These books have been written in an easy and understandable language. Thus, it becomes easy for students to understand it, irrespective of their intelligence quota. Students do not have to mug up concepts. NCERT books build strong foundational concepts in students. It clarifies the most complicated topic in a simple and easy way.
5: Many questions to practice and easier solution: NCERT books contain many questions at the end of each chapter. These questions can be short or long types, quizzes, or fill-in-the-blanks. Students can check their knowledge in the chapter by solving these problems. Not only this, NCERT provides exemplar problems that can help students to have easy hands-on twisted questions.
6: Encourage students to perform experiments: The science NCERT contains various activities which encourage students to perform experiments. These books explain all the experimental methods in a step-by-step process. Thus, making the lab experiments easy and enjoyable.
7: Easily accessible: The Government of India has made NCERT books easily available on the Internet. The book can be downloaded as a PDF from Thus, NCERT books are accessible to each student.
Moving forward with the crucial question, i.e., is class 11th NCERT Mathematics book sufficient?
As far as exams are concerned, class 11th NCERT Mathematics books are just sufficient. A student can easily score good marks if he has studied the chapters well. While many reference books are suggested in order to score well on boards, students themselves consider that there is no need for them, and class 11th Mathematics NCERT textbooks are enough to get a decent score.
As already listed out, all NCERT books, including the mathematics book, have numerous advantages. The book provides in-depth knowledge in clear and easily comprehensible language. The CBSE curriculum strictly adheres to, thus ensuring that all fundamental concepts are clear to the students. This book also offers a variety of problems, ranging from those involving basic steps to highly complex ones.
While reading class 11th NCERT mathematics book is crucial for exams, a stronghold on the chapters contained in the book can also help students through their future competitive exams, such as JEE.
For the last-minute preparation, these steps can be used:
- Never skip the introduction: It is important to first understand how the textbook is meant to be used. The textbook is well designed in order to evoke a student’s interest in the topic. Usually, students skip the introduction and jump onto the topic. However, the introduction is meant to give a brief synopsis, thus it should not be overlooked.
- Go through the important topics only: As helpful as this textbook may be, it is still lengthy. Therefore, it is not feasible to go through all the content at the last minute. It is, therefore, advisable to only concentrate on a few topics or pages. Furthermore, a student should not count the number of such chapters marked. Setting up a target creates an undue amount of pressure on the student. Such stress can cause a student to lose focus and hamper his overall score.
- Mark the pages in the topics of their complexity: It is advisable to label the chapters that a student wants to focus on during his last-minute preparation. The chapters should be labeled as ‘Complex,’ ‘Moderate’ and ‘Easy’ depending upon the student’s interest, previous knowledge, and time consumption on each chapter. This will help a student identify the degree of complexities and he can deal with the chapters accordingly. It is highly suggested to go through the complex chapters first, then moderate and finally easy ones.
- No skipping the information boxes: Students tend to focus more on the main content. These tiny information boxes include problems that trigger focus and interests. Thus, it is recommended that a student goes through them during his last-minute preparation.
- Go through the notes: Always make notes and go through them. It becomes a lot easier this way. Notes can help a student get an overview of the topic he may fail to revise during the last hours from the book directly. Underline the important concepts.
- Never skip in-text questions: It is simple logic. These questions are designed on the immediate concept a student is reading in a particular chapter. Furthermore, these act as a real test while studying. When a student is able to answer them while studying, it boosts his morale and when he fails, he can always go through the concept again. This helps him figure out his weak areas. Never throw these questions for solving once the chapter is finished. The answer is simple. If a student fails to answer them, he will try to look for the answer through the textbook. It may so happen that he would have to go through all the content over again. It is also possible that he entirely forgets about these questions and skips them completely, thereby not testing his knowledge before exams.
Therefore, NCERT textbooks are essential if a student wants to score good marks. A student can use reference books if he wants. But it is often seen that these reference books do not provide depth knowledge. Reference books are full of concise notes which can confuse the students. That is why it is better to study NCERT textbooks thoroughly and practice the NCERT questions to perform outstandingly in the board exams. Furthermore, the class 11th mathematics textbook is sufficient and helpful for last-minute preparation. And if the steps listed above are followed, a student may score decently.