Common Issues You May Face Due to a Fender Bender and What To Do

Common Issues You May Face Due to a Fender Bender
You were involved in a fender bender. Maybe you weren’t paying attention, and perhaps someone else wasn’t paying attention. It doesn’t matter who was at fault – what matters is that you’re probably dealing with some pretty serious damage to your vehicle right now.
The average cost of a collision in the U.S. is $4,600. This figure doesn’t include medical expenses or other property damage caused by an auto accident.
A fender bend happens when two cars collide, and either vehicle’s bumpers or side panels are damaged. In the case of a fender bender, dealing with insurance companies and getting your car fixed can be a frustrating process.
The process is easily made worse when you don’t know what you’re doing. If you find yourself in this situation, there are some steps that you should follow. These steps will help you get back on the road in no time.
What is a Fender Bender?
A Fender bender is a colloquial term for a collision that doesn’t result in serious damage to either vehicle. It is also called a minor accident and the most common type of car accident. Over 12 million cars were involved in crashes across the USA in 2018.
To be considered a fender bender, the damage must be minimal, and the vehicles can usually drive away from the scene without assistance.
Common Issues You May Face Due to a Fender Bender
After a fender bender, you may notice your vehicle is not moving smoothly or that your fuel efficiency has decreased. You may also hear an unusual sound when braking and turning. However, the issues will be minor in most cases and can easily be addressed by a mechanic.
The parts of your car are out of alignment after the accident, which causes vibrations to occur during acceleration or braking. You can fix this issue by taking it down to an auto shop for alignment services.
Loss of Control
When your car gets hit from behind or a fender bend happens, there is a potential for loss of control and accidents to occur even if the vehicle was running fine before the accident. This may result in injury to passengers and damage to property. The driver may also be charged with vehicular homicide or negligence in some situations, depending on whether they were driving correctly at the time of the accident.
Bent Car Frame
The frame of a vehicle is essentially an outline of where everything should be connected and bolted together. The body panels are connected to the frame at specific points to keep them in place; they would fall off or move around uncontrollably without these points. When two cars collide, they can flex or bend quite easily since they’re not designed to take impacts on all sides.
Wheel Well Rubbing
If you notice rubbing on your wheel well, it could be serious and have been caused by a collision, in most cases a fender bend. This type of damage can put you at risk for further complications or injuries because it allows part of your tire to rub against the legs of your car, which will be hazardous and potentially lead to a blowout.
What To Do?
Exchange Information
The other party should have insurance, so it’s important to get their information. If they don’t have insurance or are uninsured, exchange information anyway, you never know what might happen later. Please make sure you get their name, address, driver’s license number, insurance company name, and policy number.
Take Pictures
Taking pictures when a fender bend takes place is a great way to save yourself from unnecessary stress and expenses. Today, almost all drivers carry smartphones with them, and taking a picture of the car damage is all it takes to prove your innocence when accidents happen.
Call Your Insurance Company
If you’re a driver who gets into a fender bender or another minor crash every month, remember that if your insurance company deals with these claims directly, they can save money on commissions and pass those savings along to their customers in the form of lower premiums.
Look For A Reliable Auto Body Shop Near You
If you have a fender bender or smashed your car in a parking lot, it is always better to find a reliable auto body shop near you. You must get the repairs done right away, but this can also add up quickly if you don’t know where to go for help. So, choose a reliable autobody shop.
Compare estimates and get the best deal!
One of the best ways to save money on your car insurance is to compare estimates. This way, you can get a better idea of what is reasonable for your area and what you should expect as far as costs go. Two main factors go into the cost of repairs: the estimated value of the damage and the hourly rate set by the shop.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to deciding who pays for what, there is no simple answer. Unfortunately, you need to look at several factors, including state laws, insurance coverage, and available cash on hand, to determine who’s responsible for what after an accident. Hopefully, these tips will help you decide who is at fault so that you can start getting your car back on track.