Things To Consider And Avoid When Paraphrasing

Things To Consider And Avoid When Paraphrasing

Citation is the best way to use someone else’s content when you think you can’t make a specific type of content in your style.

But what if you want to use a context in your work without letting the citation be mentioned?

Then, Paraphrasing is the best way to use the extended parts of the text which you need to add to your work.

While paraphrasing, you should assume the paraphrasing just as a translation of the original author’s word into another version.

But during this, you should have the same thoughts as it has in the original context but the sentence formation should be different.

But paraphrasing alone is not an easy or appropriate way. There are several things to consider and avoid when paraphrasing and this article is all about it.

Consider the intent of Paraphrasing

If you believe paraphrasing is all about copying thoughts from somebody else’s job so you can stay away from plagiarism as well as research for unique content then you are wrong.

As a student or writer, your work is to show that you know the content you have read by expressing thoughts from different resources in your very own exceptional style. While you still need citation in some cases.

The objective of this is to research and find a collective idea about the topic and introduce something new in your writing.

Consider understanding the text that you’re paraphrasing

Once you paraphrase, make sure you proofread the text completely in the proper way. Never depend on the tool or even if you paraphrase manually, you should consider reading again and again to avoid any mistakes.

The entire purpose of paraphrasing is that you’re taking the information you researched to your reader, describing it like you’re talking with them.

You should consider maintaining the meaning that was in the original text. Most of the online tools change the actual meaning of the writing and this creates the problem for the readers to understand the text.

Avoid using Thesaurus for paraphrasing manually

This may be surprising for you but considering a dictionary while paraphrasing is not a good practice. Why?

Because with a thesaurus to change the words of the original text is a sort of patchwriting, that is a kind of plagiarism.

You should not need to use a thesaurus unless you’re entirely unsure about exactly what a term means, though, in that circumstance, a dictionary may be a much better option.

Ideally, you need to have the ability to use clear, straightforward language that’s comfortable to you personally. This will make the research easily understandable to the readers.

The issue which is caused by using a thesaurus is the out of the novel words. This means using a thesaurus may suggest a word that is not relevant to your idea.

Additionally, if you are unfamiliar with a theory or in case you have not an expert in English, you may pick the incorrect synonym, leading to a poor paragraph.

That is a frequent mistake among authors that are writing in a subject where they’re unfamiliar and the one who is not a native English writer.

Avoid Duplicate content without Quotation Marks

In the case you decide to maintain somephrases in the source but paraphrase the remainder, the original text should be written under the quotation marks.

Even adding the citation, copying somebody’s saying (or quotes) is not allowed without quotation marks. It is a sort of plagiarism which is known as patchwriting.

The quotation is a very simple method of using someone’s content as you just have to mention the quotation marks around the copied text.

Paraphrasing Strategies

·        Note down the key points

The best way to paraphrase is by writing the key points of the original text on a piece of paper and later, use these points to complete your paraphrasing.

After that, you can compare your paraphrased writing with the first, making sure that you have covered all of the crucial information and imagining any phrases or words which are too tightly paraphrased.

Your note cards ought to be tagged with the author(s) along with citation details of the source text so you don’t dismiss the source from you researched.

Also, you ought to be aware on the card the way you intend on using the paraphrase in your article.

Being a learner, it would be beneficial for you to visualize the content that you are willing to paraphrase.

Since a noted paper is a concrete thing, you’re able to physically organize it in an article outline, transferring the ideal info to the ideal paragraph for your essay flows nicely.

Paraphrasing will let you discuss the original text in your unique way while it will be different from the original context. This way, you may use plagiarism-free content in your writing.

·        Consider Online Paraphrasing tool

Above, we mentioned the method of paraphrasing manually but there is an alternative.

Some websites offer rephrase tool whichare more efficient than the manual way of paraphrasing.The paraphrasing tool automatically understands the pasted text and rewords the entire composing without altering the actual meaning of the content.

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