Tips to Score for Science Class 10 CBSE Board Exam

The CBSE board exam of class 10 is getting closer day by day and so is the time for preparing to appear for the exam. Students have already started to collect study material for the class 10 CBSE exam. Most students and teachers prefer NCERT books because of authentic information, well structured content, up to the point explanation, easy language and a variety of exercises to solve. NCERT Science Book Class 10 Hindi Medium is also available to cross the language barrier for easy understanding of science subjects in the hindi language.
Tips to score in science exam
- Know the syllabus thoroughly and study according to the syllabus. Teachers could have completed teaching the syllabus from their side but students should go through the entire syllabus once again by themselves. This would help them to understand the topic better with extra learning and effort. Consider this a kind of revision in which a student must clear all the doubts and queries. While knowing the syllabus and before beginning the process of learning don’t forget to prepare a study plan. Refer to NCERT textbooks of Science class 10 as it follows the CBSE syllabus. Read these books and solve questions from NCERT once again in revision.
- Prepare a strategy according to the exam pattern and marking scheme. It might sound unusual but learning a subject based on the classification of marks for each unit works the best to score in the exam. It enables a student to work on important chapters along with learning minor topics. The Science exam paper of CBSE class 10 theory is of 80 marks in which the question paper is divided into 5 segments. The marks distribution differs according to the number of questions for each section. Follow the CBSE science class 10 syllabus to know the unit-wise marks distribution.
- The revision time period must include solving the previous year’s question paper. While solving question papers for practice or revision make sure it is time bound to improve efficiency. Solve at least 10 full length question papers. Self evaluation is crucial after solving the question paper. Make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes and improve your learning with each solved question paper.
- Create short notes for scoring units or complicated topics. In most cases, students must have noticed that written notes are easier to remember rather than just reading the chapters. Make the short handwritten notes attractive with colour pens or highlighter pens. Keep the notes up to the point, precise and well structured. Use the notes during revision and before appearing for the science exam.
Preparation tips for Biology CBSE class 10
- Preparation of biology includes practising various diagrams like respiratory system, the human brain, different parts of a flower, reproductive organs of male and female.
- Drawing figures like the human brain or representation of reflex action requires to practise to memorise the entire labelling of diagrams. Make sure you don’t mistake the names while labelling any diagram.
- Prepare Mendel’s experiments well and learn all the traits of inheritance. Since Biology consists of a variety of complex terminologies that demands several regular revisions to be memorized. Daily revision ensures fewer mistakes in the exam answer sheet.
- While doing daily practice of biology it is always advised to write and understand different topics or theories. Important topics like functions performed by the reproductive organs in humans or simply just the reproduction process in plants must be practised thoroughly.
- The biology section in science comprises several complex diagrams, hence it’s crucial for students to practise diagrams. A neat and clean diagram while writing the answers always ensures scoring more marks.
Preparation tips for Chemistry CBSE class 10
- Chemistry is an easy section to score for many students and it requires lesser time to prepare. Some of the important topics to learn is balancing chemical equations, application of acids, bases and salts, numerical on inorganic chemistry, etc must be practised daily.
- Each year there are at least 2-3 questions repetitive in science question paper form salts and their compounds. Hence students must prepare common names, chemical formulas including the uses of salts and their compounds.
- Study carbon compounds well along with the required nomenclature containing functional groups. Memorize the elements and notations.
- Create a list of conversion compounds and all the reactions involved. Practise and revise these notes properly also these notes are highly important for last-minute revisions.
- Understand and memorize the Modern periodic table along with the position of elements and electronic configuration.
Preparation tips for Physics CBSE class 10
- While preparing for Physics remember to learn conceptual topics and formulas. Students must learn derivations, laws and formulas by heart before attempting exam paper.
- Chapters like Newton’s laws of motion and their applications are significant hence certain questions are expected from it.
- Remember to practice questions and numerical on the topic of series and parallel combinations of resistances. While lens and mirror numerical problems are fixed to be asked in the exam.
- Students must know diagrams of components in the syllabus like AC DC generator, solenoid, electric circuit etc. Certain figures like the human eye, glass prism, image formation for both defected and correct vision requires precision and regular practice.
- Include previous year question papers to solve during revision. Students should get a can’t of solving numerical in physics along with theoretical questions.
After preparing for science subject and before attempting the paper stay relax and cool. Students are advised do not try to learn new topic before the exam day and don’t forget to revise from the notes that we’re created while preparing for the subject. Try not to skip any important topic in syllabus as these topics are correlated with other chapters. For scoring marks in science class 10 write the answers according to the marks allocated. Move on to other questions if you are stuck to one question it will waste your time. Draw figures and diagrams where it is necessary make sure the figures are labelled properly. Maintain neat handwriting and make your answer sheet presentable. Try to first attempt the questions which you have prepared perfectly. Keep an eye on the clock and finish your paper within given time.