Different Types Of Wedding Catering Services You Need To Know

wedding catering

Choosing a wedding catering near me service can be daunting, especially for first-time customers. Whether you are a newly engaged couple planning your wedding or a business requesting a meeting, you can streamline your wedding caterer and save a lot of money. It might be hard to narrow down the alternatives when you have a lot of options available.

Definition of catering services

Providing drinks and food at off-site locations and special occasions such as weddings is the job of caterers. Therefore, a wedding catering company is engaged either as part of a wedding package that is all-inclusive or separately to supply drinks and food for the wedding reception. There are different types and styles of catering services you need to know.

Serving platter

The gold standard of formal dining is plated dinners. They are voted as the most preferred catering choice. With this catering style, diners choose their meal from a menu whilst remaining seated at their dinner table. 

Waiters are on hand to serve although it requires more work on the part of the host in organizing the menu. This catering style is the only one that gives a reception the air of organization and formality it needs. The price of serving food a la carte can be hard to predict.

A plated supper is standard on formal occasions. Guests will put their orders prior and wait for wedding caterers to bring out their food in stages. Guests will be able to interact without interruptions.


With this type of catering service, meal options are put in a row on a long table. Most buffets have servers behind the table to help guests find the food they are looking for and serve the right amount of food. If the event has a lot of guests, it is normal to have two tables. The buffet table should stay open long enough to allow everyone to make at least one round through and then those who want to make another round can make it.

This is a time-tested favorite. It is common for informal gatherings but the caterers can add a gourmet touch. The cost of this option is lower than that of plated meals. Guests can get the convenience of building their meals.

Food stations

This catering style allows your visitors to be creative. Your guests take turns walking to different food stations spread out throughout the venue, each serving a certain type of food. Since the stations may stay open for a longer time than a buffet, they have become very popular catering options for weddings. Different tables can be organized by category to offer a wide range of foods at the food station, rather than offering everything in a long line.

Family style

This is another type of wedding catering irvine. It is similar to a sit-down catering method in that guests are assigned a table and served by waiters. Dinner is then served the family style. Large servings are placed on large platters for visitors to help themselves.

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