5 Reasons Why Podcasting Is The Way Of The Future When It Comes To Storytelling

Podcasting Is The Way Of The Future When It Comes To Storytelling
When it comes to storytelling in Podcasting, it is one important skill that helps you to capture the right attention as well as engage with the listeners. It will help you transform the basic message that you would like to tell in the immersive episode. For mastering podcast storytelling, it is important to control this episode’s structure, emotions, pacing, music, & scenario. The current revolutionary age makes this availability of information easily at our fingertips. These days, getting yourself with trending news & current affairs is one click away. However, we go ahead in the depths of the modern communication way, let us talk know more about it. In this post, let’s see few of the reasons why podcasting is going to be adopted by most of the individuals for various purposes as shared by Dan Lok.
It is a matter of observation that right from the beginning storytelling is an effective type to share the right information. It is still the most successful and effective way to learn, connect and relate. From the religious services and books, movies and theater, lectures, oral storytelling is served as an important role as the only way to abstract emotion in the narrative form. Storytellers of the ancient time were actually thought of as keepers of tradition, knowledge, as well as history in the communities.
VR Reality Is On Its Way
Walking around the town, when one cannot hold the book, streaming audio is the only best entertainment option available. Podcast’s lithe capability of controlling itself over various activities as well as settings, and venturing where video and print cannot, is what cements the growth prospects. Not only in the cars, commutes, or meanderings, however center stage in living rooms & at the entertainment venues.
Within the model, the Virtual Reality environment will serve as the immersive and contextually relevant backdrop for the plot that you are going through. You do not have to rely only on visuals as the guide; you just hang in the environment & enjoy the story.
Podcasts listen anywhere and anytime. No matter whether you make use of the laptop, tablet, smartphone, or even the MP3 player, you are always a click away from several captivating episodes out there.
Distribution Is Increasing
It is estimated that around 57 million people listen to podcasts on a regular basis! This may sound so much but actually, it is. In such listeners, many people are now tuning in through Apple’s “Podcasts” application. Around 80% of the total podcast is generally done on iOS devices. But, in contrast to this just 16% of the podcast listening happens on Android devices. However, I think that such a percentage is going to change very soon as presently Google is thinking to promote their own podcasting application.
Information Quantity
Not just do the podcasts save you from the headache of stuffing the book in your bag and flipping huge newspaper pages on the subway, however one single podcast library has more data than these media can ever do. For example, the growing podcast library holds over 600 different clips on various key topics, which affect daily life. The excess content is noise, so listeners will prefer shutting this down. Pick up a problem or topic & explain in easy words.
Develop Detail Filled Scenarios
When storytelling in podcasting, it is very important that you build up the picture with your own words and say it is a form of storytelling. Instead of stating the dry fact, make sure you create a simple scenario and this can definitely help the listeners to identify with the podcast. Choose the ideas & examples from your daily lives. You can add small details that can help the listeners to immerse themselves in the work. You may sprinkle the narrative with some references to history, pop culture, and more.
The best strategy for storytelling that draws attention is talking about the change that you want to create. Let the users know about your ideas, your expert advice, and your products that will make the profound & valuable change into their regular lives.
Final Words
Blending podcasting storytelling can make your content interesting and relatable to your audience. Suppose you plan to make a great mark on the listeners’ minds and to influence the purchase decision, then podcast storytelling is the best tool that each podcaster must use and learn.