How Social Media Has Changed the Game in the Fashion Ecommerce?

How Social Media Has Changed the Game in the Fashion Ecommerce?

Earlier before the invention of social media, it was a difficult task to promote fashion brands and styles, however, as time passes due to social media, now it becomes simple to promote new fashion brands and styles in front of millions of audiences. It is very beneficial for those small fashion designers and models who have just started their career in this field as just by posting few photos on social media networks they can reach out to millions of peoples. Apart from other social media networks, Facebook ecommerce has a big contribution to the promotion of fashion brands.

In this article, I will explain the role of Social Media networks in improving the small scale Fashion industry.

Create a page on Facebook and Instagram.

Now, you do not require to wait for any big brand or famous fashion designer to launch you, as you can easily launch yourself by making the Instagram or Facebook page and posting pictures of you or your brand on that page, you can also create a YouTube page of yours and publish short videos of your work to reach out with as many people as you want. Even you can start writing a blog about fashion and gives fashion tips on it and share it on any of your social media accounts, there are many popular fashion bloggers on the internet, just google about them and get some writing tips by reading their blogs and apply the same into your content.

Role of Hashtags.

The hashtag also played an important in promoting fashion brands as it helps to reach out to those people who have similar interests like yours, who are fashion enthusiasts and are love to buy new clothes and follow new fashion trends. However, you need to be very careful while adding hashtags, try to add only those hashtags in your post which are relevant to your topic.

Social media makes it easy to share the work with famous brands.

Earlier, for reaching the big brands we need to go to the offices of the brands also waits for an hour to meet them, and if we are from a small town then it becomes more difficult to reach out to the brands, as we have to travel for several kilometres through train, busses, planes and have to spend large sum of money on traveling and staying in a hotel. However, now we can easily tag our work with popular brands and show them our work from our comfort zone.

Brands can be endorsed by a celebrity on their social media networks.

In the past getting your brand promoted from celebrities is a very difficult thing, you need to make an appointment with the celebrity that you want to work with and also require spending a huge amount and time in setting up everything from arranging vanity vans to studio, make-up artist or dressing, etc. However, in today’s era, you can easily get your fashion product promoted by a celebrities like Beyonce, Kylie Jenner etc. through their social media network by spending less money and time. Also, you can ask bloggers related to your genre to share their reviews about your brand through writing a blog, it costs much lesser than celebrity endorsement and will have same reach as you’ll get through celebrity endorsement.

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