Bulking tips while you are on a steroid cycle

liquid steroids online

If you want your liquid steroids online to be effective, you should know the best way to use them to be effective. If you are on a steroid cycle, you should read on to learn some useful bulking tips.


If you want to grow and be able to endure high-intensity workouts, you should eat. You should spread out your meals up to seven meals a day. Emphasize carbs. The main reason we emphasize carbs is that everyone knows you need to consume proteins and a lot of athletes who are not gaining do not have enough carbs in their diet. It is obvious that proteins are important if you want to gain but carbs cause the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin is a powerful hormone that aids in muscle building. It can also cause you to get fat so you should always keep that in mind. It is also essential to consume three or more grams of protein per KG of your body weight.

Without enough levels of carbs in your diet, your intake of protein will be used as energy and not for muscle building. You should therefore eat enough carbs. Your protein intake should be high to enable growth. You should try increasing your calories by three hundred per week until you notice growth.

We do not believe in general calculations for the required calories whilst bulking as everyone has a unique metabolism level and there are other factors that play a hand. It depends on individuals so it is crucial to experiment and find out ways that work for you after you buy steroids online.

Post-workout meal

The post-workout meal is very important. It is even more important than breakfast. After working out, your muscles get depleted of glycogen and will be aching for replenishment. Carbs that are consumed within thirty minutes of a workout are stored as glycogen 125 percent more efficiently than at other times.This helps in the recovery process. Protein is very important as it is the building block of your muscles. After working out, the body can consume fifty percent more protein than at other times.

It is best to take creatine after training along with glucose powder to allow the secretion of insulin by the pancreas which is a very powerful hormone for bodybuilding. An insulin spike will act as a protein delivery system. Creatine will act in addition to giving your muscles a glycogen hit. It will also reduce cortisol levels which eat into your muscles. You should then have a protein shake ten to fifteen minutes later.


Water makes up a huge percentage of your body. When you work out, you sweat a lot. The water that you lose through sweating should be replaced so you should consume water on a regular basis. Your body needs four milliliters of water for every gram of carbs to be stored as water. When using liquid steroids online and working out, you should spread your water consumption throughout the day because taking too much water at once will raise blood pressure.

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