How To Choose A Duck Call
If you are new to duck hunting, you might not know how to choose the right JJ Lares call for you. There are many choices for duck calls in terms of color and overall look. The biggest choice to make is if you want a single or double reed. The reed is the part that makes the noise. It is a metal or thin cane that vibrates in a current of air to produce sounds. Think of a clarinet or oboe, it’s the same thing. The sound created by a single reed duck call won’t sound the same as a double reed duck call.
Here is a quick breakdown of the difference between the two duck calls.
Single reed
Single-reed JJ Lares duck calls are more difficult to master, but they are more versatile than a double-reed. In order to produce the best sounds, you have to take the time to master this call as much as you would a musical instrument. The single reed allows you to make softer calls so you can change the variation of the pitch produced. Professional or seasoned hunters tend to go for this type because they give them the best chance of success. Since they can be manipulated easier, they can control the sound better so that they can produce a realistic duck call.
Beginners will love the easy of the double-reed duck call. JJ Lares calls require more air while blowing to produce sound than a single reed. They also don’t have as much variety and control as the single reed. Just as the name suggest, double reeds have two reeds that need to vibrate against each other to produce the sound. This type allows you to reach a “sweet spot” that sounds just like a real duck, but that’s where the magic ends. You are very limited in what this type of duck call can do. You also have to be wary of moisture getting into the reeds. Excess moisture will prevent them from vibrating and will cause a dull buzzing noise when blown. Higher quality double-reed are better at preventing this problem from happening. The benefits of this type is being easy on beginners. Professionals use these when they want to produce different sounds than other hunters nearby. If you are in an area where people are using single-reed duck calls, using a double-reed will make your calls stand out.
No matter which type you choose, mastering the duck call can give you an edge in your hunting and allow you to draw your prey into your shooting zone. Don’t forget to grab a duck call during your next hunting supply shopping trip!