Are Burgers Always That Unhealthy? Everyone’s Different.

slice of cheese

Ingredients traditional American cheeseburger. Meat, bun and vegetables close up

Loaded with layers of a slice of cheese, delicious meat patty, veggies and mayonnaise between a big buns, the quintessential burger is barely considered wholesome & nutritious. Falling in the category of fast-food chains, this one can be high in calories & is a strict no-no for those who want to stay in shape or lose weight.

But are burgers really unhealthy?

Before passing any judgement to this statement, let me remind you we all have that one friend who never gains weights and is always healthy even after eating fast foods like a burger. And there is also someone who gets sick just by eating a meal outside.

The point is we all have different metabolism, it about what and when we eat, drink, take rest, do exercise and many more. The way we live our life determines if the meal is healthy or not for us. A burger can be unhealthy for someone who only eats fast food and doesn’t follow a healthy balanced diet.  But if a burger is a part of an occasional meal, it’s not as unhealthy as people think.

Look deep into the ingredients used to make a burger – Bread, meat, cheese and veggies. So, what do you think is unhealthy? Meat is rich in protein; cheese is a good source of protein, green veggies, bread – if you look at each ingredient individually, it’s full of healthy stuff.

In fact, if it is incorporated in a varied & healthy diet, one can easily consume a burger once in a while, provided if it is made with lean protein like tuna or chicken & healthier sauces like mustard instead of mayonnaise. Not just that, the size of the patty, the kind of toppings & the type of bun can also play an essential role in deciding how nutritious & healthy your burger is. On that note, here’s a look at some healthy ways you can spice up a burger.

Pick the right size

If you have slow metabolism & have a tough time to stay in shape, go for a burger that is not big in size. If you can go for one that is medium or small, nothing like it. Match it up with a 4-ounce patty & keep a healthy salad on the side. That way, you will be full while satisfying your cravings.

The right topping is a must

Did you know that some of your favourite toppings contain excess sugar & salt that could sabotage a just-about healthy burger? To avoid that, use homemade ketchup or some salsa sauce. For the creaminess, choose some guacamole instead of mayonnaise.  Along with that, choose peppers, greens, onions & mushrooms. The texture &flavours here will be different, but they sure will be nutritious & tasty.

Choose lean meat

If you’re a vegetarian, you can opt for greens, mushrooms, onions & sweet potatoes. It brings in delightful flavours& makes your burger healthy & wholesome. Other healthy options include green beans, pulses, black beans, rice or quinoa. You can add all of these ingredients in the meat mixture before adding shape to the patties.

In short, your burger can be tasty & healthy if appropriately made.But this doesn’t mean you should always eat; overeating is always unhealthy whether it’s veggies or burger.

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