New Social Applications that Have Gained Momentum

Social Applications

In today’s scenario, new social platforms are launched frequently. Applications with diverse landscapes are rolled out, which provides a unique and intriguing experience to the people. According to a recent survey, smartphone users use around 3-4 social media applications on average. The social media marketing industry is getting expanded rapidly with the advent of new social media applications. If you are a marketer aiming to promote a product on social platforms, you must consider multiple applications. Because owing to the presence of many social media, people are segmented into many social applications. Gone are those days when Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can be considered for social media marketing. Services like Famouspanel can be leveraged to maximize the post reach on social applications. Today, we will look at some of the social applications that are anticipated to witness a vast rise in their user base this year. 


Upstream is a social application that is dedicated to professionals. It works best for B2B marketing as professionals from various industries share their thoughts and interact on this platform. This platform is also considered a perfect replacement for Linkedin. The common accusation Linkedin faces today is the drastic fall in the organic reach. Even the people who have enormous followers don’t have a good reach for their posts. Subsequently, this has lead people to move into Upstream. Hence, the user base of this social platform is anticipated to have considerable growth this year. 


Peanut is a social application dedicated to mothers. Women who have given birth to children can join this platform and discuss various aspects such as child nurture. The platform also allows women to form groups based on their common interests. Moreover, they also gain an intense knowledge about maintaining physical and mental health after childbirth. This platform has received a warm welcome among women. Its user base is expected to rise further in the coming years.   


Though Telegram is present for quite a long time now, its user base is expected to explode this year. Hence, Telegram cannot be discarded when speaking about social platforms in 2021. The platform has unique features that make people it over other social applications. Today, privacy prevails as a significant factor in determining the user base of a social application. For instance, the user base of Whatsapp was affected in India when Facebook stated that it was about to bring changes in the privacy policy for Whatsapp. Many people switched to Signal, which offers end-to-end encryption to the users. Thus, the user base of Signal skyrocketed overnight.

Similarly, a considerable number of people moved to Telegram. People can enable end-to-end encryption by turning on the ‘secret chat’ option. Moreover, you can add up to 2 lakhs people on Telegram groups, which is also an important reason for this social application’s growth.   


Whisper is a social application that has around 30 million users. The platform is known for the freedom it provides the users to open their hearts by maintaining anonymity. This characteristic of this platform has driven many people into it. There is no identity for people such as username etc. If you are intrigued by the posts from a profile, you can get in touch with it through the message and know about them. Thus, your anonymity will be maintained unless you open up about yourself. Therefore, this platform brings like-minded people closer. Since the leading social applications have started to levy restrictions, this platform is expected to gain momentum this year. Moreover, to sustain the constant rise in its user base, Whisper keeps adding new features to it. Recently, it has added a video option for chats where people can share video clips. Thus, the platform can garner considerable users this year.  


New social applications are getting introduced that focuses on a specific field. Houzz is such a social platform that is dedicated to architects and interior designers. For example, if you are an interior designer, you can upload your past works on this platform. Eventually, people who find it interesting can hire you to amplify the beauty of their house or office. Thus, this social application connects the professionals in the construction industry and the people. This platform can garner the spotlight this year.   

Wrapping Up:   

Many new social applications with interesting themes are getting introduced today. Some of them easily intrigue people, whereas many fail to do so. The above listed social applications are few that are expected to have a steady rise in their user base this year. 

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