Engage Your Core And Get Your Stance Right With Muay Thai Boxing

The reason that Muay Thai gyms Sydney are so popular is because Muay Thai has taken the world by storm. Muay Thai is a form of exercise that works out the entire body at once. Muay Thai sessions can be one-on-one sessions, or Muay Thai can be in small classes or groups. The trainer needs to be able to teach and show you what to do, while at the same time keeping you strong and safe. The premise behind Muay Thai is that it is fast and furious, although it does not start that way. A trainer will go through the moves with you, step by step, and slowly your muscle memory kicks in. It is like any exercise form, once you have it, you have it.
Engage your core
When you go to Muay Thai gyms you are going to hear these words a lot. ‘Engage your core.’You are also going to hear ‘Assume the stance.’The first thing you will be taught is the right way to stand. The second thing, although it comes with your stance, is your stomach. You will be told to engage your core, in other words to hold your stomach in, reaching your belly button to your back. And then, you will keep engaging your core throughout the session. Your core gives you strength and it keeps your whole body safe. You will find how strong your core becomes, after just a few sessions. And you will be extremely proud of your six pack.
Full work out
Once you have your core engaged and you are in the right stance, a trainer will go through different moves with you. You start off slowly with Muay Thai, and as you learn how to hold your body, how to hold your arms, and how and when to move your body, you will become faster. And every move that you do is exercising your core, but at the same time, it is also exercising your thighs, your buttocks, your arms, your shins, your ankles, your wrists, your back, your shoulders and your neck. You do not need individual movements to work out your body. Muay Thai is a full on work out, all at the same time. And that is why it is so popular. Muay Thai sessions are quick but they are intense. And the intensity will have you looking strong, slim and fit within a short period of time.
Where do you do Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is done in boxing gyms and there are many in Sydney, city centres and some of the suburbs. You do need the equipment, which the gyms provide. Some trainers train along the beachfront or promenade, and this may appeal to you too. Chat to a Muay Thai trainer and perhaps sign up for a trial session. There are many Muay Thai gyms Sydney so choose the one that is right for you.