Unique Chinese Sauces To Add To Any Food


Tired of the same old flavors in your home-cooked meals? Do you want to expand your palette but do not know where to begin? Or, did you grow up in a household that made sauces the best cuisine but you can not find the quality products to replicate your family’s recipes?

The world is a very large place. If you do not open your perspective to other cultures, the world will feel very small and frankly repetitive. One way to experience other cultures is by trying cuisines from around the world. Whether your order take-out from a local restaurant or follow a recipe at home, your taste buds will thank you.

Studies show that the top two ethnic cuisines enjoyed by Americans are Mexican and Chinese foods. Mexican food dominated the polls in  27 states and Chinese food was dominated in 22 states.

Today, let’s travel the world by discussing Chinese cuisines. There are easy solutions to help you create tasty meals at home.

Cantonese Cuisine vs. Sichuan Cuisine

China is such a large spread country. There are several regional differences, especially with the cuisine. Let’s focus on Cantonese vs. Sichuan cuisine. What are the similarities and differences?  What type of Chinese cuisine is most prominent in the United States?

The most popular Chinese food in the united states comes from the Cantonese region.  Food from this region is typically rich with colors, has pleasurable aromatics, and excellent taste. The food from this region is mild with spice and showcases more seafood due to the proximity to the ocean.

If you are feeling a little spicy, let’s discuss Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan food comes from the Sichuan province of China. Sichuan food is known to be more bold and spicy. Sichuan cuisine showcases spices like garlic, chili peppers, pepper, aniseed, fennel, cinnamon, and clove. Sichuan foods usually showcase more chicken and beef products since this region is closer to farming villages.

Spice Up Your Life By Adding Chinese Sauces To Your Meals

Now that you have a better understanding of a few regional cuisines in China, you can navigate through some online recipes and attempt to make some great Chinese cuisine in the comforts of your kitchen.

When making any type of cuisine, unfamiliar to you, the hardest part most likely will be finding the perfect spic combination to add to your dish. If you do not read the instructions correctly, you may end up with a dish that is too salty, too spicy, or does not provide enough oomph when you eat it. By incorporating these Chinese sauces into your recipes, you will be able to elevate the flavor of the meal without the worry of using the wrong combination of raw ingredients.

Zhong Sauce

This sauce is a sweet, spicy, and tangy sauce. It is rich with umami. This sauce will give you memories of street-side  Zhong Dumplings.

Sichuan Chili Crisp

This Sichuan Chili crisp is a great addition to any recipe. It brings heat, crispy in texture, numbing, and will make any dish savory.

Mala Spice Mix

The Mala Spice mix is very versatile. It showcases 11 herbs and spices. This spice mix will add dimension and oomph to any dish.

With these three spice options in your pantry, you will have the tools to spice up any meal.

DId This Satisfy Your Hunger?

At this point, you should be drooling with the thoughts of tasty Sichuan home-cooked meals. Grab some Chinese sauces and makes a delicious meal for your next dinner party. You will undoubtedly impress your friends and family with your culinary skills.

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